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裸吻The Naked Kiss 1964

导演: 塞缪尔·富勒
主演: 康斯坦斯·托尔斯  Anthony  Eisley  Michael  Dante  弗吉尼亚·格雷  帕齐·凯利  Betty  Bronson  Marie  Devereux  Karen  Conrad  Linda  Francis  Barbara  Perry
国家/地区: 欧美
类型: 其他
上映日期: 1964
版本: DVD版
对白语言: 英语
评分: 凑合

Kelly, a prostitute, shows up in the town of Grantville, where she engages in a tryst with sheriff Griff, who then tells her to get out of town. Instead, she decides to give up her illicit lifestyle, and becomes involved in working with handicapped children. Griff doesn't trust her, and continues trying to run her out of town. Kelly falls in love with Grant, scion of the town's founding family and Griff's best friend. Just as Griff begins to believe that Kelly may be on the level, a murder and perversion scandal threaten to destroy Kelly's new life.