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解夏Amemasu no kawa 2004

导演: 矶村一路
主演: 玉木宏  绫濑遥  松冈俊介  伊藤步  柄本明  志田未来  Kenta  Suga  Yuriko  Hoshi  中谷美纪  阿部宽
国家/地区: 日本
类型: 其他
上映日期: 2004
对白语言: 日语
评分: 凑合

In a remote town, the shabby Hotel Venus is a mecca for the emotionally wounded. Chonan (Kusanagi Tsuyoshi), the resident of the attic room, works as a waiter in the cafe, and as a handyman for the hotel. Simply cooking and cleaning every day, Chonan cannot get over his past. Through interaction with the other residents, though, and the necessity to stand up as a man, Chonan begins to change...