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卡比里亚之夜Nights of cabiria 1957

导演: 费德里科·费里尼
主演: 茱莉艾塔·玛西娜  Frané?¾is  Pé??ier  阿米迪奥·纳扎里  艾尔多·席尔瓦尼  Franca  Marzi  Dorian  Gray  Mario  Passante  Pina  Gualandri  珀里德  Ennio  Girolami
国家/地区: 法国
类型: 其他
上映日期: 1957
版本: DVD版
对白语言: 意大利语
评分: 凑合

Cabiria is a wide-eyed waif, a streetwalker living in a poor section of Rome where she owns her little house, has a bank account, and dreams of a miracle. We follow her nights (and days): a boyfriend steals 40,000 lire from her and nearly drowns her, a movie star on the Via Veneto takes her home with him, at a local shrine she seeks the Madonna's intercession, then she meets an accountant who's seen her, hypnotized on a vaudeville stage, acting out her heart's longings. He courts her. Is it fate that led to their meeting? Is this finally a man who appreciates her for who she is?