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德州链锯杀人事件Ithe texas chainsaw massacre 1974

导演: 托比·霍珀
主演: 玛里琳·伯恩斯  艾伦·丹齐格  保罗·A·帕坦  威廉·维尔  Teri  McMinn  埃德温·尼尔  吉姆·西多  Gunnar  Hansen  (II)  John  Dugan  Robert  Courtin
国家/地区: 欧美
类型: 恐怖
上映日期: 1974
版本: DVD版
对白语言: 英语
评分: 凑合

En route to visit their grandfather's grave (which has apparently been ritualistically desecrated), five teenagers drive past a slaughterhouse, pick up (and quickly drop) a sinister hitch-hiker, eat some delicious home-cured meat at a roadside gas station, before ending up at the old family home... where they're plunged into a never-ending nightmare as they meet a family of cannibals who more than make up in power tools what they lack in social skills...